Hey guys! Welcome back to Thoughts Allowed by SP!
It's been ages, right? So much has happened...
Sorry, excuse my manners! To those of you who are joining me for the first time, please forgive me. To bring you up to speed, I used to have a blog called 'Thoughts Allowed by SP'. I launched it in 2013, but after a few "interesting" years (you can hear more about that on my podcast!), I took a break and embarked on a journey of healing and rebuilding, and as a result Fearlessly Free was born! In a nutshell, Fearlessly Free is a safe place that gives the caged bird permission to fly!
So, here I am reintroducing myself to those that followed my journey before, but let me introduce myself to those of you that don't know me.
My name is Selina, I am a lover of all things purple. I love 90s Hip-Hop and RnB, I love to dance and I have a passion for young people. My first love is poetry; I love to write poetry, however I took a hiatus due to "life's happenings" and now I am eager to get back to it.
My passion for young people stems from not having someone to help me in my darkest moments as a child. From an early age I experienced abuse in different forms: home, relationships, and church, and as a result my passion is to empower people who are where I once was and equip them to rediscover who they really are.
Abuse and traumatic experiences can cause us to lose who we are, and knowing that first hand I am passionate about living a life of freedom from the chains of my past, and inspiring others to do the same.
My life hasn't been altogether lovely, it has been a mixed bag of pain, disappointments, poor decisions, abuse, and not knowing who I am. However, here I am today on the other side of it all with a fresh perspective of my identity, God and life itself.
I am excited to share my journey with you. Buckle up! It's gonna take you on some twists and turns of humour, self-reflection, shock, and maybe even anger, but through it all my prayer is that you will feel comfortable enough to abandon your inhibitions, and embrace the freedom God desires for you to have.
You can expect to receive similar to the content I created over at 'Thoughts Allowed by SP'. There's another layer of vulnerability when I write, so in contrast to my podcast (fearlesslyfree.co.uk) you'll find a more open and raw version of me as I put pen to paper.
I'll include some poetry, of course, as well as whatever else I feel to write about (mostly about my faith and my journey of freedom, and maybe even some rants about what's going on in this crazy world!).
I am so glad you're here! 🙌🏾
I encourage you to click the 'Sign Up' button so you can be the first to read my posts as soon as they're published 😉
All my Fearlessly Free Love,
SP 💜